Saturday, February 16, 2013

after school snack SF style

I spent the afternoon with Kindergarteners and a few of them spoke Spanish only while others were bilingual. Madeline was read in english and then we reviewed Chinese Lunar New Year and I read a book about a little boy in NY Chinatown as he gets ready for the celebration. It's moments like this that I see how cultures overlap and enrich this city. After school a kind young guy was selling sandwich bags of fruit slices (watermelon or mango) with lemon, salt or cayenne sprinkled on top and then steaming hot corn slathered with mayo, dusted with crumbly dry cheese (like parmesan) and then a little cayenne pepper sprinkled on top. I bought an ear of corn with everything on it and it's about as amazing as you'd expect. All the treats are $2 each and the little kids line up after school to pick out one treat. Oh, there were fried chips that looked like big wagon wheels as big around as a grapefruit that were sprayed with lime juice too, but only kids that were leaving school to head home could buy them as they're not allowed at after school programs. I love these little carts, they're not at all schools so it's a great delight to see them when I do. I hope to make a version at home with yogurt instead of mayo and I'll post it when I figure out the ingredients.

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