Tuesday, July 30, 2013

time to make the donuts

Saturday morning sunshine streaming in through the lingering fog blanket and I was ready to make a batch of donuts. I absolutely love Donna Hay's recipes and went so far as to take along two of her cookbooks with me to New Zealand (where I lived and studied for 6 months) before the days of laptops and internet. Back to this recipe.... I started the dough Friday afternoon so I could knead it and let it rise without having to wake up super early and feel like the Dunkin' Donut guy that I quoted a few times while making these. This was my first time making yeasted donuts so there was a little trial and error/experimenting. I ended up making slightly smaller donuts than the recipe called for just because I thought they were cute, but next time I'll stick with the suggested size as they're easier to fill. Here's the recipe. You may have noticed that these are filled with jelly and I went with cherry preserves after discovering that the grocery store I was in no longer carried boxed pudding mix. These were made for movie night put together by Shantre, a kind and talented friend who made a vegetable curry and croquets for us to warm our bellies and heart before watching one of her childhood favorites and then laughing in the kitchen with SNL videos. Great food and company is the best. 

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